Sunday- Just Shred since I was a little sore from 16 the previous day
Monday- NO TIME : ( I had opening day, orientation and a blister (excuses, excuses, excuses)
Tuesday- 5 miles; 2 mile warm up (18 minutes) and 3.1 in 22:30
Wednesday- 4 mile run 35:30 and Shred 2
Thursday- 5 mile run (3 mile easy and 2 mile speed work)
Friday- off
Saturday- I did a local favorite 5K! 22:55!
I am happy with the 5K since I met 2 of my goals; sub 23 mins and a 7:30 or better average (it was 7:26 BUT I sort of wanted a 22:30 : ) Might have to find another one to do once the every Saturday long runs are off the schedule. Not sure when that will be.
I will be running my 18 miler on Sunday this week so I don't have a long run recap. I am HOPING to run 12 alone and find someone fast to come push me for the last 6 miles. Any takers?? I just wanted to keep close to a 9 minute mile so I can see how realistic a sub 4 marathon in. I wanted to be sub 4 hours in Erie but have a feeling it will be close but not hardly there. Perhaps West Virginia in November will be where it is at!
Nice week!!